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We Make A Difference In Senior Lives
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- Care from home health aides
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Meet our health Experts
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Dr. Rajeev Singh, MD
Geriatrician and Diabetologist | Senior Consultant, Samarth Clinic for Healthy Ageing | Former Head, Department of Medicine, PMH Tertiary Care hospital, Saudi Arabia | 30 years of experience in India and overseas primarily dealing with older adults and multiple comorbidities among intensive care, in-patient and out-patient conditions.
From India’s most trusted eldercare organisation
We are experts serving thousands of older adults & seniors in 100+ Indian cities - with clients across 33 countries, including global corporations, blue chip banks and institutions
Patient-friendly, one-stop health centre
Physician, physio, counselling, nutrition, lab & tests and most auxiliary services, trusted doctor referrals, home support, ambulance, hospital & insurance co-ordination, even pick-up & drop from the clinic
Reduce hospitalisation and emergencies
World-class, multi-disciplinary, comprehensive and preventive approach promoting healthy ageing and reduced risks for older adults healthcare
A Doctor on your side, by your side
Always accessible expert physician who is focused on enhancing your quality of life, providing a trusted support even when you are outside the clinic
Completed Cases
Nursing Staff
Senior Doctors
Happy Couples
The Amazing Steps of Our Treatment
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