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Emergency support can become necessary for  elders when they require  immediate assistance to address sudden health issues, accidents, falls, injury or even severe emotional/ mental distress. In such emergency situations, elderly require quick medical attention and response in the form of ambulance or transport to health facilities, services of a doctor or paramedic at home or even tele-consultation to determine the severity of situation. Providing timely aid is essential in managing these situations, and timely and effective response can sometimes make the difference between life and death.

Your parents may require emergency support services in if they encounter health crises such as strokes or falls, or if they face serious situations where they cannot independently seek help. This service is crucial especially if only one parents lives alone, or both parents are old and alone, or if the others in the home like servants or caretakers are not adequately equipped to detect and respond to emergencies. Samarth’s emergency support ensures that professional help is available even in the absence of immediate family or personal support.

The benefits of Samarth’s Emergency support services in begin with establishing a personalised emergency protocol for your parents in advance which takes into account their health condition, reports and details of current or recent treatment and doctors, preferred hospital(s) and providers and access to most appropriate ambulance and transportation services. Proactive planning and provisioning as well as preventive measures designed by Samarth minimise emergencies. Additionally, Samarth’s network and resources are geared to respond 24X7 through an always available exclusive emergency number to elders in our care and their families. The availability of all reports and critical data in the family’s document vault on the Samarth app and the team’s support in handling admission and other procedures at hospitals ensures that the time to get medical attention is minimised.. The support continues in the hospital in case admission is required, with the Samarth Care Counsellor and care team helping the family with discussions with doctors, organising attendants if necessary, payments, insurance coordination and everything else which a son or daughter would do with their parents. This also offers reassurance to family members, knowing that professional help is readily available for their elderly loved ones at any time.

The facilities available in for emergency support include access to hospitals preferred by the family, doctors on call, ambulance services of various grades depending on the severity of requirement and Samarth’s 24X7 emergency helpline number.

Samarth plays a vital role in coordinating and providing emergency support services in to all the families subscribing to Samarth care plans. The top most priority for Samarth’s emergency response team is to get qualified medical support to the affected elderly. Such immediate medical care and support is organised through a network of healthcare providers and emergency responders. Samarths systems are designed to alert and activate these services at the onset of an emergency, providing quick and efficient aid to seniors, thus safeguarding their health and well-being during critical times.

Between thousands of requests Samarth team handles every month, there are on an average more than 5 emergencies and hospitalisations every week we address in some part of India.

So Samarth’s approach is based on deep experience of emergency handling.  Every emergency is supported by the full resources and relationships of our organisation. Our emergency Support Services ensure that the response is quick and timely, integrated and end to end for the elderly, and well informed.

Self Care Essentials For Elderly & Caregivers

Elder Care Services in Ghaziabad

Our services are comprehensive and designed to cover all possible needs elderly may have, so the family gets support which is as seamless as possible in any situation

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