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According to the India Ageing Report 2023 by UNFPA, Seniors are vulnerable to security risks ranging from bullying and physical harm to theft, forgery, cheating, and fraud. For seniors living alone, these risks can arise not only from people outside the home but also from those within. Among the safety concerns, falls are the most critical as they are known to be a major cause of decline in quality of life and even loss of life for older people.
Samarth team has the expertise and tools to assess major risks and help mitigate them with proven measures, thus ensuring that seniors feel secure and their families are reassured about their safety and well-being.

With increasing crime against elderly, in , it’s crucial to equip elders with essential safety measures to ensure their well-being. Key components should include strong home security to safeguard against intrusions, alert devices for emergencies, and regular checks of homes to eliminate potential hazards. Additionally, verification of staff working at home, safety audit by trained staff from Samarth, access control and monitoring all the way to installing CCTVs are some of the measures that should be considered. The measures should be tailored to the living situation and preferences of the seniors so that they are as non-invasive as possible and impinge minimally on their independence and privacy.

Samarth has a systematic approach and protocols for identifying and addressing safety and security of elderly. These incorporate our learnings and best practices across hundreds of households across the country.
We have structured audits, technology solutions and advice which is made available to the family as per their requirement. In addition, our care team proactively identifies and informs the family about any potential area of concern on an ongoing basis and assists with addressing it as required. We work with elders, alerting them about frauds, scams and are available to advise in case they suspect any misdeed. In case a financial fraud is detected, we assist in reporting it and dealing with institutions.

Safety and security support is an integral part of Samarth’s Comprehensive Care plans which are tailored for every family.

To know more or access any of the programmes, simply click here  and request for a free consultation with a Samarth Advisor or WhatsApp on +91 88000 24784

Self Care Essentials For Elderly & Caregivers

Elder Care Services in Delhi

Our services are comprehensive and designed to cover all possible needs elderly may have, so the family gets support which is as seamless as possible in any situation

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